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Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

It Takes More than Effort to Get Results

Read the title again, carefully. It doesn't say "it takes more effort to get results." It says "it takes more than effort to get results." Ah, the difference a word can make. In the world I grew up and live in, hard work is considered a high virtue. I've read children's books that spoke of the value of hard work. I grew up on a farm and was proud to work hard. Few compliments...
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Why People Fail

Some people don't really know what it is they want. Many define what they want by stating what they don't want. The result, they get exactly what they don't want. Why because instead of focusing on what they do want they are focused on what they don't want. I recently discovered this while having a disciplinary discussion with our eleven year old daughter. The discussion was...
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Success has come to mean many things to people in today's changing society, but certain aspects of it remain fundamentally the same. Success whether it be financial, emotional, physical, emotional, or spiritual, involves achievement and a sense of accomplishment and the positive happy feelings associated with creating. Success that is based upon emotional and spiritualwellness,...
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Start With A Baseline

Making changes in your life is great and it is the way we growand develop as people. Change is a constant process and part of being human. When you embark on changing anything in your life you have to start from where you are. Until you know where that is it would be difficult to effectively make the change. You have to start with a baseline. Starting with a baseline is...
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Money Making Idea - Building A Successful You

Okay, this is the first thing you should remember.YOU are the absolute most important factor for building your success to make money, whether your business is online or offline. This is a making money opportunity for everyone to consider.  I have personally researched successful and unsuccessful people throughout my history of resources and nearly all successful...
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ARE YOU FAMOUS OR FOCUSED? Are you famous or are you focused? Let's start with "famous". When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for? Are you famous for procrastination…negative words…poor time management…What are you famous for? Let me share with you what I am famous for. I am famous for consistent, structured, focused daily strategies and techniques to...

How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

If you are new to the internet and wondering what an earth this blogging craze is all about, or if you already have your own website and you're wondering why everyone keeps advising you to start your own blog, read on. I'm going to explain to you what a blog is, why you need one, how to set it up, promote it and of course, make money from it. Blog is short for "web...
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Persistence is Key

Once, there was a dog named Manty. She was a typical house pet in a typical middle-income family. The family lived in a rather small house. So, home to Manty was the backyard, which was rather small too. Manty's world revolved around the four corners of this small backyard, which was likewise used as the laundry area. Peculiar as it may seem, Manty had a favorite area...
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You Have to Be First at the River to Get a Drink

While on vacation in the Serengeti Plains of Africa, I sat on a riverbank for three hours watching a herd of wildebeest (or gnu) build up the courage to drink from the water. This herd was part of the Great Migration that happens like clockwork every summer. More than 1,000,000 wildebeest move northward from the arid Serengeti into the wetlands of the Masai Mara. The...
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