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Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

When Your Ideal Feeling Seems Far Away

Recently I was asked this question: "I know how I WANT to feel--much different than I do now. How can I vibrate my ideal feelingwhen my current feelings are very low?" This student was realizing that when the distance between your ideal feeling and your current feeling is too great, it doesn't feel very good.

Immediately a picture began to take shape in my mind and I asked this student to imagine a 'time-line' which looks like 'bar-bells'--with her default feeling on the left and her ideal feeling on the right. Then I asked her to place a minus sign under the default feeling and thre plus signs under the ideal feeling.

Take a moment to draw this diagram on a piece of paper. 

Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath and really feel your ideal feeling (such as love, joy, excitement or playfulness.) 

Open your eyes and count to three, then close your eyes and notice how you are feeling right now. 

Come back to your time-line and place an X about 1/3rd of the way from the left, and place a second X 1/3rd the distance from the right.

Underneath the first X put a single plus sign and under the second X put two plus signs. 

Now, close your eyes and let yourself FEEL what it feels like to be 1/3rd of the way closer to your ideal feeling.
You're almost there, aren't you?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine you are 2/3rds there.

How does that feel? Attainable? Hopeful? Possible? 

If the distance between your desired feeling and your current feeling is shorter, it feels better. Play around with this idea. It's one way to raise your vibration incrementally.

Rebecca Hanson is a Master Law of Attraction Coach. Thousands of people have enjoyed her talks or articles about real-life experiences and how she found the "nugget of truth" in every situation. Now she has such a deep grasp of how faith, beliefs and thinking work that she is able to lift others to a higher level, very quickly. You can contact Rebecca at or on her website at and sign up for her free "Museletter".

Rebecca has also written a book called, "Law of Attraction for Business: How to create a business or attract a job you LOVE!" To find out more about this book and other information check out 
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Self Motivation Secrets

We all have a lack of self motivation at times. We can learn a hundred ways to improve our lives, but then hesitate to act. Something less important catches our attention, or we just don't feel like doing what we need to do. Even a person who is normally highly motivated can sometimes have a hard time getting started on an important task.

Is there a solution? There are probably dozens of them. Below are six of the best self motivation techniques that consistently work when used. Try them all, but if you find even one or two here that work for you, you'll be on your way.

Self Motivation Techniques That Work

1. Talk to get motivated. One of my favorite ways to createenergy and motivation is to talk. Once I tell my wife about the article I'm going to write, I'm out of my slump and back at the keyboard. For less inspiring tasks, talk about the larger goals it will help you achieve.

2. Stimulate your desire. Seeing their potential future motivates many to sign up for get-rich-quick plans. The really good salesmen can put you in your imagined dream home in minutes, and make you feel motivated to do anything to make it real. Learn to be your own salesman.

3. Stimulate your pain. One Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique is to mentally link pain with not acting. It is like when finally stop hitting that snooze button on the alarm, and get up because you think you might lose your job. Just imagine any bad consequences that may occur if you don't do what you need to do.

4. Find a true interest. If you have no interest in what you are doing, it might mean you need to do something else. If it's just a task you dislike, but it needs to be done, relate it clearly in your mind to the greater goal. I don't like to drive, but I don't have a motivation problem when I'm driving to the mountains for a vacation.

5. Boost your energy. You need energy for self motivation. Coffee may help for a while, if caffeine doesn't create other problems for you. Exercising and sleeping well help too. Yo should also watch out for sugary foods. The "sugar blues"kill motivation. Once you find energy boosters that work for you, make a list and keep it handy for future use.

6. Take any small step. I've found if I commit to raking up one bag of leaves, I soon want to finish all the yard work. Taking any small step towards your goals is a great self motivation technique. To make this even easier, break larger goals down into small steps.

Motivation techniques really do work, but don't ask me how to get motivated to use them. In any case, you were motivated enough to read this far, so you'll be fine. Oh, and humor is number seven. A good laugh can overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed that sucks away self motivation.
READMORE - Self Motivation Secrets

Replace The Negatives In Your Life, With Positives And Move Your Life Ahead.

If you want to move your life ahead, you should replace the negatives in your life with positives. This article will show you how to take the negative influences in your life away and replace them with positives, so you will have increases in morale, and productivity. Focus on the positive for success and peak performance. 

Most of us are not aware of the amount of negative influences in our lives. We are bombarded with negative messages from the media, the people around us, and most damaging of all, ourselves.

The first step in the process in replacing negatives with positives in your life is to make a decision to start looking for the negative messages and ways to replace them with positives. Decide that you will focus on the positive in this world. 

Begin to drastically cut down on the amount of news you take in. Most people start their day with the news. And of course most of the news is bad news, fires, floods, etc. Then it is on to traffic and weather, which also stresses the negatives. So by the time you have finished your coffee, you have had enough bad news to last a week. Does all this bad news make you want to throw open the door and greet the new days, no quite the opposite. And how about the way we end the day? Many of us watch the news before going to bed and get a big dose of negative information just before trying to go to sleep. Is it any wonder so many people have trouble sleeping? The mood we are in before we go to sleep carries over to the next morning, so you are setting yourself up for starting the next day in a bad mood. Odds are you don't need all that negative information you are taking in from the news, and you will function just fine without it. 

Replace the news you were taking in with such things as, motivational tapes, uplifting music and sites such as, that stress good news. Also reading empowering books helps a great deal. Books can be a fantastic way to recharge your life. Look for success stories, biographies of successful people, etc and see what works for you. You will begin to feel better right away.

Your next step is to limit the amount of TV you watch. A recent study showed that 78% of the people watching TV, are not interested in the program they are watching at any given time. So watching TV is probably making you bored at best, and taking you away from actives that would be more fun. Prime time is the period when most people are watching TV; you can make it your prime time by turning off the TV and using that time to move your life ahead.
Next you need to limit your exposure to negative people. Most people don't realize how draining it is to be around negative people, but they drain your energy and spirit in many ways. Negative people pull you down, so work to remove them from your life to the extent you can. Never get involved in the office pity party, or complaint sessions that come your way. Seek out people that support you and that you feel good being around and use these people to replace the negative people in your life. 

The most damaging source of negativity is ourselves. Most of us generate lots of negative self talk that our minds accept as the truth and results in our being held back in many ways. We focus on our shortcomings, our problems, and spend our time predicting more bad news for ourselves, generating lots of fear and worry, while undercutting our ability to try new things, etc. Begin to focus on the positive aspects of you. What are your unique strengths, what have you accomplished, how are you different and better than other people? Use visualization and affirmations to build images of yourself accomplishing the things you want and use these to replace the negative images. Give yourself lots of credit for everything you do right, so you are getting even more positive news about yourself. Also, set aside three minutes every day to think about all the good things you have in your life right now. The process of thinking of the good things in your life, will generate good feelings for you that will last much of the day. 

Don't forget to take care of your body. Eat healthy, cut out some bad habits, and get regular exercise in order to boost your self-esteem while building your strength and endurance, so you can accomplish more. 

Helping others will also help you feel better about yourself. Take time to get involved in a charity, animal shelter, or other activates that help others. You will get good feedback from others and develop a genuine sense that you are a good person. What you put out comes back to you, so make sure it is good that goes out. 

By replacing the negatives in your life, with positives, you will make yourself and probably the world a better place. You will feel better mentally and physically, plus accomplish many of the things you wanted to. Nothing is ever accomplished without action, so start now to move your life ahead. 

READMORE - Replace The Negatives In Your Life, With Positives And Move Your Life Ahead.

Learn to face difficulty

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."
-- Seneca the Younger

This is a great quote to both contemplate and to apply to your life.

How often do you hear people complain? Pick a topic-love, friendship, careers, etc. The list of issues that people complain about is endless. You and I are no different. Perhaps we don't complain about each of these things but more than likely there is something that we complain about with great regularity.

Now, sometimes complaints are simply a way to vent some frustration at the moment but we don't really want anything to change in this area. However, more often than not, someone regularly complains about one specific problem

If I had a dollar for every time I heard one friend complain about the difficulty of finding a good man I could throw her a huge wedding bash or perhaps simply buy her a husband in some small third-world country. When I thought about my friend Donna's problem and applied Seneca's quote to it a light bulb suddenly appeared above my head just like in the cartoons!

It was true! Donna is having difficulty finding a good man simply because she isn't daring enough. Sure she goes out on dates and tries to maintain an active social life, however she holds herself aloof emotionally. She isn't willing to dare much at all when it comes to her heart-so how can she hope that someone else will do so for her? Sure, there might be someone, somewhere, but she is also missing out on relationships, at least friendships, with some really great guys simply because she is too afraid to dare to care That is sad. We all know that love is marvelous but it is also frightening, however we have to take risks in order to experience it fully. Sometimes we might get hurt however more often than not we will find the rewards outweigh the risks. There is no guarantee that is Donna opens herself up and dares to love that she will find the love of her life-however there is certainly a guarantee that a life filled with love is more rewarding than one that is not.

I have another friend who is also afraid to dare. Jeff hates his job. No, that's not exactly right. He loves the work itself but he really hates the company that he works for. He finds the management very difficult to work for (and if even a small percentage of the stories he tells are true then he's right, it is a horrible place to work).

However, every time I suggest he look for a job somewhere else he comes up with some excuse about how difficult it would be. True the job market isn't great, but he's a skilled worker in a high-demand field so I'm sure he could find something. He's doomed his job search before he even started it because he's not daring enough.

It wouldn't be fair to share my friends' examples without pointing to my own shortcomings. Probably the greatest difficulty in my own life is within my marriage and that is simply because I don't dare enough emotionally there. I have become too complaisant and take my husband and marriage for granted. I need to dare more emotionally.

So think about the difficulties in your own life and apply Seneca's rule then decide if you can be more daring! All the best! 

READMORE - Learn to face difficulty

Learn To Love Growth And Change And You Will Be A Success.

Do you want to be even more successful? Learn to love learning and growth. The more effort you put into improving your skills, the bigger the payoff you will get. Realize that things will be hard at first, but the rewards will be worth it. 

Many of us have to be reminded that almost everything worthwhile in our lives is hard at first. Learning to walk was hard at first, but gradually we learned and now it is effortless. The same holds true for our more advanced skills such as, sports, music, art, etc. We forget these past struggles to learn and take them for granted now.

When most people begin to try something for the first time, it usually doesn't turn out particularly well. It doesn't mean we are bad, or stupid, or anything like that, it just means that most things of any complexity take awhile to learn. 

Given this, the surprising thing is how most people react when they begin to learn a new skill and it does not go well. Most people at that point feel such things as surprise, anger, frustration, and so on. We forget that the expression "beginners luck" means that doing something well at first is a fluke. We forget it isn't supposed to be easy; it is almost against the laws of nature for something to be good at first. 

So what is a more positive way to handle the difficulties we will encounter when we are learning something new? We should take the attitude that we are supposed to fail at first, that is the way the system works. We should look for a way to find fascination with the process, and build enjoyment of the ups and downs into the process. We need to recognize the difficulties we will face and build them into the time and effort we plan on expending on the project. This is one place in your life where a healthy dose of pessimism will pay off. Just planning for difficulty will take much of the negative emotions we feel in these situations away. 

Lets look at another situation where we encounter difficulty at first. Almost anything involving change is very hard for us to incorporate into our lives at first. One of my favorite expressions regarding change is "the only kind of change we like, is the change in our pocket." Making the decision to change is easy, it is just a decision. Staying changed is hard. We want to fall back to our old ways; we are discouraged, uncomfortable and so on. One again we are learning something new and it helps to build this into our plan for change.

In addition to learning to enjoy the process as above, we can add another element to help us through learning something new or the change process. We can keep reviewing the goal we are seeking, the payoff, etc. and continually tell ourselves that the pain is temporary, but the payoff is permanent. We need to take the pain and frustration and deal with it minute by minute, telling ourselves to hang on, hang on, we can make it. Life is a series of minutes we can make it through. 

Many people use visualization techniques to help them learn a new skill or deal with change. They "daydream" or use guided imagery to see themselves going through the process of learning or change and attaining the goal. A person on a diet can see himself f becoming thinner and thinner, easing the pain and giving them the sense they can do it. The same with a new skill such as golf. They see themselves hitting the ball, in just the right way, and they see the golf ball going right where they want it. A word of caution regarding using visualization to learn a new skill. The technique is very, very powerful and you will tend to perform exactly like you visualized it, so if you visualize the wrong technique, chances are you will actually perform the wrong technique. So be very sure of the proper technique before you used visualization to help you master it. 

One last point. I have stressed the need to recognize that new things will be hard to learn at first. While this "negative" view is helpful, it must be balanced with a positive outlook for the whole project. Plan and expect problems at first, but also plan and expect that you will eventually master the situation. Planning for a positive outcome will help give you the willpower to see the situation through and enable things that are needed to move you ahead to appear when they are needed. Remember if we expect good things, we tend to get good things. 

READMORE - Learn To Love Growth And Change And You Will Be A Success.

Five Keys For Sustaining Motivation To Exercise

It would appear that many an eager beginning exerciser looses interest and stops an exercise plan within a month. In order to keep this phenomenon from happening to you, follow these five steps.

If you have been exercising for some time and find yourself bored and dreading your next work out, consider a change of environment. If you have been exercising in your basement, you may benefit tremendously from joining a gym where you can interact with other people and use different equipment.

Don't worry about not using your home equipment. It may be that once you have exercised at a gym for awhile, you'll be ready for another change and want to resume exercising at home.

If you are currently using a gym and find yourself not wanting to go in, it may be time to look at exercising at home. There is something to be said for finding the quiet and solitude exercising can bring when you're not in the middle of a crowded, noisy gym.

A second key for increasing motivation to exercise is in finding a way to listen to music that motivates you. For me personally, I use hip-hop, R & B, and rap. If you saw me in my SUV with kids in tow, you may not believe me. Just ask my husband; he's the one who programs all my music into the MP-3 player he got me for Valentine's Day off of ebay.

A third important key is to take a look at the clothing you wearwhen you exercise. Have you run more than 200 miles in a pair of shoes? If so, it's definitely time for a new pair. Also, make sure that what you wear to exercise is comfortable and non-restrictive.
In addition to the function of work-out clothing, appearance is important. If you have a great new pair of work-out pants, you may be more motivated to get up in the morning and go to the gym. If you're wearing the same T-shirt you've worn for twenty years, it may be time for a little shopping trip. 

The shopping trip doesn't have to be expensive. A friend of mine buys her work-out gear at Goodwill. She always looks fabulous.

A fourth key is to keep focusing on the goals you have set for yourself. If you've reached your goals, it's time to set some new ones. Be sure to keep your goals realistic and measurable to prevent discouragement.

A fifth and final key to maintain or increase motivation to exercise is charting progress. Once you have an attainable goal, how will you know when you have moved one step closer? If you chart your progress, you will clearly see where you are and where you hope to go.

There are as many ways to work out as there are people who work out. Everyone's routine is different and tailored to them. However, if you remember to incorporate these five keys into your work out, you will experience success and be motivated to continue your program.

Pepper Montero 
READMORE - Five Keys For Sustaining Motivation To Exercise

Dream Interpretation - Common Symbols And Their Meanings

Dream interpretation has many forms; it can be done be done for the sake of fun, hobby or can be taken up as a serious career. Psychologists and therapists are already incorporating dream interpretation into their practice. They find it as a very useful tool to gain access to hidden desires and deep-rooted personality issues of a dreamer.
Symbols and objects frequently encountered in dream state facilitate dream interpretation.
Here is a summary for ready reference.
1. Dreaming of Colors:
· Red – symbolizes either passion or anger.
· Pink – denotes healing power of love.
· Black – symbolizes fear of death or aging.
· Grey - symbolizes confusion or fear.
· White – signifies fear of death or new surroundings.
· Green - symbolizes healing.
· Blue – stands for sadness.
· Yellow - symbolizes peace, calm and hope.
2. Dream about numbers: Dream interpretation has helped in assigning meaning to some numbers.
· One - stands for unity.
· Two - symbolizes equality, spiritual or gender balance.
· Three - stands for unity, harmony or spiritual fulfillment.
· Five - stands for a change both in positive or negative context.
Likewise, dream interpretation for remaining numbers needs to be evolved on your own experiences.

3. Dreaming of a baby or a pregnancy: Dream interpretation of such dreams often points to new experiences in life.4. Dreaming about various other objects:
· Accident - represents fear of physical or mental break down.
· Awakening - symbolizes openness to new ideas or experiences.
· Brother - signifies betterment or strained relationship. 
· Climbing - stands for attaining new mental, spiritual or physical goals.
· Desert - dreaming of a desert or being lost in desert stands for loneliness.
· Door - symbolizes better opportunity. If you are afraid of opening a door in the dream, it means that you are afraid of new challenges or trying on new things.
· Eating – stands for nourishment or need to be taken care of.
· Falling - means loss of control or being unable to maintain position in life.
· Jumping - stands for achieving higher goals.
· Ladder – symbolizes growth.
· Military - denotes desire for authority.
· Rain - represents depression.
Thus, you can now see how dream interpretation becomes even more fascinating by analyzing the symbols.
READMORE - Dream Interpretation - Common Symbols And Their Meanings