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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Re-programme the multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears and change your life.

You can re-programme yourself to succeed.

You have been programmed from birth to become who and what you are today!

In the main you have allowed this to happen, either consciously or unconsciously.

If you are not completely satisfied with who and what you have become ...then change, re-programme yourself!

Your programming commenced at the moment of conception when your DNA was fused to your being. Your personal and unique DNA is the life behavioural platform with which you were launched into the world.

Compare this if you will to buying a brand new computer. Two folks may buy the same basic computer but from differentresellers and so the basic configurations and software programmes pre-installed will be different even though these two computers have identical basic features.

These two computers then begin to be attacked by hackers, spammers, viruses and a whole host of other negative intrusions.

Now one of these folks had the presence of mind to install preventative software which stopped the vast majority of these attempted negative intrusions form being installed on their hard drive.

The other took no preventative action whatsoever and their PC became clogged up with a minefield of explosive devices just waiting to destroy their hard drive or at impair its' functionality dramatically.

A silly question really, with an obvious answer but which PC owner will get the best out of their computer?

So, you have this multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears. How well have you been programmimg it. What type of software programmes have you allowed to be installed?

Is yours overloaded with 'Games' sofware?

Is yours loaded with 'No fun and laughter' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Poor me' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Some day I'll' software?

Is your loaded with 'If only' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If it were not for them' software?

Has yours been seriously infected with a myriad of viruses?

Or are you blissfully unaware, as are most folks, of the huge damage done to your personal hard drive which is severely limiting your personal development?

If you live in the developed world then the odds are that if you are dissatisfied with your station in life it is because you have allowed the personal PC between your ears to be swamped with negative 'stuff'.

The good news is that you can do something about it!!!!! If that is you have the wish, the will and the self discipline to re-programme that personal PC of yours.

May I suggest that you take a look at and complete the FREE Inner Mind Self Awareness Questionnaire. You will receive an instant report based on your individual answers. This report will extend to over 10,000 words and is completely FREE of any cost or obligation whatsoever.

The few minutes you set aside to complete this questionnaire may well be a life changing moment for you.
You have between your ears a personal PC with a multi-million gigabyte capacity just waiting to be re-programmed so you may live the life you seek.

Set about deleting the dysfunctional files which have slipped in over the years and start life anew.

Re-programme yourself for future happiness and enjoy whatever is for you, success.

You can re-programme yourself to succeed.

You have been programmed from birth to become who and what you are today!

In the main you have allowed this to happen, either consciously or unconsciously.

If you are not completely satisfied with who and what you have become ...then change, re-programme yourself!

Your programming commenced at the moment of conception when your DNA was fused to your being. Your personal and unique DNA is the life behavioural platform with which you were launched into the world.

Compare this if you will to buying a brand new computer. Two folks may buy the same basic computer but from different resellers and so the basic configurations and software programmes pre-installed will be different even though these two computers have identical basic features.

These two computers then begin to be attacked by hackers, spammers, viruses and a whole host of other negative intrusions.

Now one of these folks had the presence of mind to install preventative software which stopped the vast majority of these attempted negative intrusions form being installed on their hard drive.

The other took no preventative action whatsoever and their PC became clogged up with a minefield of explosive devices just waiting to destroy their hard drive or at impair its' functionality dramatically.

A silly question really, with an obvious answer but which PC owner will get the best out of their computer?

So, you have this multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears. How well have you been programming it? What type of software programmes have you allowed to be installed?

Is yours overloaded with 'Games' software?

Is yours loaded with 'No fun and laughter' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Poor me' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Some day I'll' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If only' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If it were not for them' software?

Has yours been seriously infected with a myriad of viruses?

Or are you blissfully unaware, as are most folks, of the huge damage done to your personal hard drive which is severely limiting your personal development?

If you live in the developed world then the odds are that if you are dissatisfied with your station in life it is because you have allowed the personal PC between your ears to be swamped with negative 'stuff'.

The good news is that you can do something about it!!!!! 

If that is you have the wish, the will and the self discipline to re-programme that personal PC of yours. 
READMORE - Re-programme the multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears and change your life.

Success In Relationship Can Help You Succeed In Business

Our relationships give us the comfort we need. Our relationships also give us pain. A relationship can work in both the ways and either way it affects our career and business success. Let us see how?

Why Relationships? We relate with someone because otherwise we feel incomplete. We need a person to share our life. We want to talk about our inner thoughts, desires, pains and pleasures with a partner. We feel incomplete without a relationship. That is the primary reason of our relationship.

What does relationship do? A relationship gives us peace and a friend. It helps us beat our loneliness and gives us a partner to share. A relationship gives us somebody who will inspire us at the time of our defeats. 

Relationships and career- If we enjoy a healthy relationship, wefeel good. We feel very optimistic. Our state of mind is positive. We are empowered to fight any odd and dream of great achievements. A good relationship gives us a high that can help us achieve a lot in our business and career. No body can achieve great success if his/her relationship is not good. That is a personal failure and takes away lot of time in thinking and negative mental state. Those who enjoy a healthy and enriching relationship, have a higher chance of enjoying big success in career. 
READMORE - Success In Relationship Can Help You Succeed In Business

Flower Delivery

Over recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of flower shops that are offering flowers and flower arrangements at discount rates over the internet.

Many offer free shipping and most offer some form of discount. It has quickly become one of the most popular forms of flower sales for florists.

Most of these flower shops offer same day delivery within a specified distance from the flower retailer. Discounts are often offered for specials occasions such as Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Christmas Day and also for other personal occasions such as the birth of a baby.

By buying directly from the retailer over the Internet you can be assured of freshness and flower quality, as the reputation of these online retailers can spread quickly over the Internet.

As flowers can make a powerful impression on the person who is receiving them, so too can the service and the quality of the flower retailer and they know that providing good service and prices will help them retain your custom.

Added to this is the fact that there are now so many opportunities for the customer to shop around and get exceptional deals.

Ordering flowers online is so much easier, and more often than not you will have a far greater selection to choose from when dealing with the big flower delivery services.

Flower deliveries can be scheduled for different times of the day adding to the convenience of online ordering. With many different payment options it is as simple as filling out the details, paying with your credit card and your flower delivery will arrive at your desired destination when you determine.

It is very convenient for those occasions when you have forgotten to order on time or you have limited time to arrange flower delivery through your normal channels.

It is possible to arrange for delivery of flowers both nationwide and also worldwide as many of the big flower delivery businesses have branches throughout the world.

The best place to start is with a quick search of the Internet where you can compare what the different flower delivery companies are offering in the form of discounts and delivery times.

There is no longer a problem sending flowers to a loved one anywhere in the world. 
READMORE - Flower Delivery

BELLA : Pacaran? No! HTS? Oke!

BELLA : Pacaran? No! HTS? Oke!

Cantik, iya. Sexy, juga iya! Baik hati, smart, punya segudang kegiatan.... Tapi kok nggak mau diajak pacaran sih???

(Penulis : Adry Pratono)
Ngomongin soal kegiatan, mungkin cewek satu ini bisa dibilang Miss Sibuk. Abis, gimana nggak? Seabrek kegiatan diikutinya, jack ! Dari mulai modern dance, cheerleaders, modelling , sampe drum band. Menurut pengakuan sulung dari dua bersaudara ini, semua berawal dari sifat suka coba-cobanya.
“Aku tuh anaknya penasarannya gede. Hanya jeleknya, begitu udah nyobain sering kali malah ngerasa bosan. Akhirnya n vakum di tengah-tengah!” ujar Bella sambil nyengir.
Well , kalo sekarang kira-kira Bella lagi penasaran sama kegiatan apa sih?
“Lagi pengen banget belajar teater! Dulu waktu MP sempat ikut klab teater bahasa Inggris. Tapi ya itu, vakum di tengah-tengah! Cuma begitu udah masuk SMK, tiba-tiba pengen belajar teater lagi. Mungkin karena aku sempat ikut ekskul English The Big Club kali ya?”
Hmmmm, gitu....
By the way , kamu bilang pengen belajar teater. Tapi kok kemaren kami sempat ngeliat kamu belajar nari tarian tradisional?
“Hahaha.... Iyaaaa! Aku juga lagi senang belajar tari tradisional sekarang! Di sekolah aku kan ikut ekskul tari tradisional juga. Terus, pernah pentas tari Gebyor (tarian khas Sidoarjo, bos!) di luar sekolah, eh, menang. Sumpah! Aku senaaang banget!!! Padahal waktu itu aku cuma latihan tiga hari lho. Makanya, dari situ aku jadi berniat mempelajari tari tradisional lebih serius.”
Ups! Jadi makin panjang aja nih list kegiatannya! Kalo tiap hari sibuk latihan ini-itu, pacarannya kapan dong?
“Wah, aku masih jomblo!” Bella menjawab kenes.
Hah? Yang bener?? Emang kamu suka sama cowok kayak gimana? (Ngarep, mode on* )
“Yang penting memenuhi syarat 3 S: Sayang, Setia, dan Serius.”
Huaaah! Gue banget tuh!!! Hahaha….
“Kalo gitu kita bisa HTS-an,”
Lho? HTS-an???
“Yups! Aku sampe sekarang lebih nyaman HTS-an. Soalnya emang belom ada planning aja buat pacaran! Masih pengen fokus di sekolah dan memperbanyak aktivitas supaya banyak pengalaman.”
Yaaah…. Hancur deh harapan! (atok)
Nama Lengkap : Brigita An Bella
Tempat/ Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 6 Februari 1993
Tinggi/ Berat Badan : 162 cm/ 46 kg
Sekolah : SMAK 2 Buduran Sidoarjo
Tempat Favorit : Pantai
mau lebiih banyak,,
kunjungi ini,,

READMORE - BELLA : Pacaran? No! HTS? Oke!

NASA Chat: MESSENGER Prepares to Orbit Mercury

After more than a dozen laps through the inner solar system, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft will move into orbit around Mercury on Mar. 17, 2011. The durable spacecraft -- carrying seven science instruments and fortified against the blistering environs near the sun -- will be the first to orbit the innermost planet.

On Wednesday, Mar. 16, from 10-11 a.m. EDT, chat experts Jimmy Lee, NASA MESSENGER mission manager, and Mike Galuska, chief engineer of the Discovery, New Frontiers and Lunar Quest Program Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., will answer your questions about MESSENGER'S orbital insertion.

Joining the chat is easy. Simply visit this page on Wednesday, Mar. 16. The chat window will open at the bottom of this page, and you can log in a few minutes before the chat begins at 10:00 a.m. EDT. See you in chat!


On Mar. 17 at 8:45 p.m. EDT, MESSENGER -- having pointed its largest thruster very close to the direction of travel -- will fire that thruster for nearly 14 minutes, with other thrusters firing for an additional minute, slowing the spacecraft by 862 meters per second (1,929 mph) and consuming 31 percent of the propellant that the spacecraft carried at launch. Less than 9.5 percent of the usable propellant at the start of the mission will remain after completing the orbit insertion maneuver, but the spacecraft will still have plenty of propellant for future orbit correction maneuvers.

The orbit insertion will place the spacecraft into a 12 hour orbit about Mercury with a 200 kilometer (124 mile) minimum altitude. At the time of orbit insertion, MESSENGER will be 46.14 million kilometers (28.67 million miles) from the sun and 155.06 million kilometers (96.35 million miles) from Earth.

MESSENGER has been on a six year mission to become the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury. The spacecraft followed a path through the inner solar system, including one flyby of Earth, two flybys of Venus, and three flybys of Mercury. This impressive journey is returning the first new spacecraft data from Mercury since the Mariner 10 mission over 30 years ago. 

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READMORE - NASA Chat: MESSENGER Prepares to Orbit Mercury